Thursday, 24 October 2013

First Cut

Today we showed our first cut of our music video to the class. We were given feedback from members of our class, and from our teacher. We will go through this feedback today and then use it to make feedback (there will also be a post on feedback). Here is our first cut.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Production Update 9 - Filming our Lipsync Track

On Thursday after school we filmed out lipsync track in the drama studio at school. We used the same techniques as the first time we filmed in there. We used a projector with a video playing in front of me, to look like an overlay. It took us a few takes as the song is by a Spanish band, the lyrics are in English that isn't quite correct so we the lyrics were hard to get completely right. To make sure we had this covered we filled a wall with the lyrics printed out on paper behind the camera, to make it look like I was looking at the camera, whilst still reading the words. We also filmed from an angle to the side so we can vary our shots.

How I read the lyrics during filming.

However, we have had some troubles since then. We can't upload our footage to a site where we can share them so we can upload the videos into premiere. I would have to edit these clips in myself, although this is also a problem as I don't have a copy of our edit as of recent. To resolve this myself, Billy and Mollie will edit in our free lessons tomorrow before our lesson, which is our deadline.
At this point we are also missing shots of the beach, but we plan on doing these shots in the half term break as then we can all be free to go. Below are some screenshots from our videos that we filmed on the Thursday. We didn't film this on time as we planned to have finished filming by 15th October, however this was not a problem.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Production Update 8 - Editing in Class


Today I edited some of the shots in the mirror way that I practised at home. I tried to make it look like a kaleidoscope effect similar to the ones Billy had previously edited. I did this in my own time, however this has helped us keep to schedule in terms of editing in our lessons, maybe even ahead.

Most Current Edit

Our current edit as of today with the current shots we have filmed, we are still to shoot lip syncing shots and shots with Max & I.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Practise Editing

At home I experimented with mirror effects and colour correction in Premiere Pro. I edited a few clips from our underwater footage and drama studio footage. After seeing how they turn out, we may use these or edit in similar ways.

Production Update 7 - Drama Studio Filming

Today we filmed in our school's drama studio, to make use of the projector (for overlays) and the lighting so we can achieve colour fills. We wanted to film shots that were stylisticly similar to those of ariana grande's "the way" or rihanna's "we found love". As when we filmed I didn't know the words to the song perfectly, we plan on refilming to get our lipsync track. However, we acheived what we wanted with these shots. We had planned to film today and we got all the shots we needed for the time being, therefore we are to schedule. Our last filming time scheduled will be the 15th.

Production Update 6 - Filming Underwater

Today we filmed underwater out our local swimming pool. We used two cameras, one provided by our teacher which was an underwater; the other a normal handheld camera in an underwater dslr bag. We tried to achieve similar cinematography to the xx's "chained" or rihanna's "diamonds". We will use these shots as overlays and some in the opening sequence. We were very lucky in having this location, as we feel it creates a fantastic look and creative ways of filming. We had planned to film today, therefore making us on schedule, we filmed near our school making it easy for us to then take back our camera (which we borrowed) and upload our footage.

Production Update 5 - Final Edit of Field Footage

Here is the final edit for our field footage. We added in light leak in final cut. We also used overlays, and colour correction to add warm tones and interesting stylistic features. Billy did this in his own time, so he could bring this into class so we could add it into the video together, this helped us largely in terms of time keeping.

Production Diary 4 - Editing our Field Footage

 Recently we have also been editing our cowfields footage. We used final cut pro to edit. Our main focus when editing was the colour correction, as we shot on quite a bleak and grey day. As these need to be represented as fond memories, we used waem tones and cool tones to brighten up the scenery. After this we plan to film our underwater footage in our local swimming pool. In terms of filming we have enough for the moment, however need much more for example the lipsync track, we are however on schedule and plan to film on the 14th.

Production Diary 3 - Filming With Max

We have also been filming in the local park called the priory. This is another significant location for our memories. We filmed with Max to shoot the old couple scenes. When filming we used an iphone in a kaleidoscope case. This was to experiment with the way we are shooting and to add to our effects. However we feel like we may have to re film this footage as the shots we got weren't very good quality (as we used a phone). Above is the video of some edited footage from the day of the shoot. We did this during our double lesson, so we could use our scheduled time for filming.

Production Diary 2 - Filming in the Fields

Today we filmed some of our scenes in the fields. We went to a local group of fields in Ware, which are significant to our real life memories. We filmed here as it is an attractive location, and a nice different to either the pool or the dark studio. This was in time with our schedule, even though we were scheduled to be ahead in terms of filming by now.

We filmed on a windy day, and got shots of either the whole field or myself in the field. We tried to recreate similar shots to Rihanna's "We Found Love" and filmed random things, which we could cut down into a montage.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Production Diary 1

This is the footage that we filmed on our Tuesday lesson last week. We filmed in the local park, to get footage of Max and I. I feel this footage was not succesful as we filmed using my phone to get the kaliedoscope effect. As we did this, the footage isnt that good quality. However the way we have edited so far is quite asthetically nice, so we may refilm or keep this. We had actually planned to start filming in September, and are therefore slightly late, however I feel this will not affect us greatly and will still be able to keep up.


The locations we wanted to use are to reflect the storyline of revisiting old memories. We used places you would imagine a child to visit whilst growing up. For example the beach or fields where you can visit with family. We chose to also film in the pool to film underwater, so we can use interesting mise en scene. Our lip sync track will be filmed in our school drama studio, so we can use a backdrop and creative lighting.
