Thursday, 17 January 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film opening focuses on one main character: Alisha. Alisha is a teenage girl who is representive of our target audience (young/teenage) audiences. We also targeted people of many social groups, to gain a wider range of viewers.

For example in picture number one we can compare to a film that represents/targets one type of social group. Kidulthood displays the stroy of young teenagers in a lower social class who are stereotypical "chavs" or "gansgters". This can be contrasted to another film such as The Breakfast Club in picture number 2 which represent all types of class and stereotype from nerd to popular princess. In our film we targeted a culture like a mixture of these two films, as the story is more about how Alisha is less fortunate in her situatuion (bullied by character type in Kidulthood) it also shows us how she stands out from the crowd, similar to those in The Breakfast Club.

We also based our character on those represented in Submarine (photo 3) which shows a similar story of an unlikely matching between two unpopular kids. We used this as it is a relatable coming of age movie, which is also targeted ar a niche and teenage audience; it also shows off the lives of two unklucky kids who have similar lifestyles to Alisha in our story. However Alisha also has an unstable side which can be compared to Charlie (photo 5) from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, and Lisa from Girl, Interupted. Both of these characters are unstable mentally and depressed which we wanted to convey in Alisha. This could then go on to show her represented as the stereotypical "goth" or "emo".

We conveyed Alisha as these stereotypes by using mise en scene, and location. For example Alisha wears a coat similar to those in Submarine. Her clothes and make up is worlds apart from those in Kidulthood, however the location is very similar (dark/dirty/in the middle of the city). It is also shown in the cinematography as in many of the shots, we don't focus on Alisha, but her surroundings.